
intelligent:发音:英 [ntldnt] 美 [ntldnt]道理:adj. 伶俐的,体会力强的;智能的

bright:发音:英 [brat] 美 [brat]有趣:n. 开启的前 adv. 光亮地;快乐地 adj. 光亮的,明朗的;灿烂的;欢快的;机灵的;前程灼烁的;精巧的

clever:发音:英 ['klev] 美 ['klv]乐趣:adj. 机灵的;矫捷的,干练的;高明的

短语:聪灵的小伙子clever lad

明智的脑筋quick mind

明智的做法clever method

聪明绝顶be extremely intelligent

聪明伶俐clever and quick-witted

聪明过人extraordinarily clever

伶俐反被伶俐误clever people can be victims of their own intelligence

卖弄聪明show off one's intelligence


1,所有的人都比动物聪灵得多。All human beings are much more intelligent than animals.

2,她是一个愚笨的女孩。She is a bright [ clever] girl.

3,和以前雷同,惠勒一个格外伶俐的人又做对了。As usual, Wheeler, a wise old bird, got it right

4,你是个伶俐的姑娘,想必你此刻理解了我是在帮你。You're an intelligent woman, surely you realize by now that I'm helping you

5,我接触到部分绝顶精明的哈佛和耶鲁的学生。I came into contact with very bright Harvard and Yale students

6,你有机灵的思维。You have a good mind

7,他把聪慧都用在了犯法上,太惋惜了。Too bad he used his intelligence for criminal purposes.

8,你真是个愚笨的小家伙。You really are quite a clever little thing

9,我妹妹一向比我聪灵好多。My sister was always a lot cleverer than I was

10,别自作聪明don't be getting too smart

11,无论他有多机灵,也猜想不到。Despite how clever he was, he still couldn't work it out.
