接收教训的英语是receive education。例句:Ten years was the sum total of my education.我受教训的年限加起来共十年。

接管教导的英文:receive education

借鉴例句:Paul prolonged his education with six years of advanced study in English.保罗延伸了他的受教育时间,盘算花6年时间进修英语。

What is her educational background?她受教育的环境怎样?

An educator must first educate himself.教育者必须自个先受教育。

I am thankful to my parents for paying for my education.我感动我的爸妈出钱让我受教育。

Ten years was the sum total of my education.我受教育的年限加起来共十年。

She went the furthest of all the children in her education.在全部孩童之中她是受教育最多的。

He was born in China during World War II and educated in England.他在二次大战时刻生于中国,结果在英国受教育。

A television program designed to educate and not merely entertain.一个不只是为了娱乐更是为了令人受教育而设计的电视节目。

No, actually, I can't help thinking (that) education should be free for all.不,实际上我不得不觉得众人都应受教育。

In countries where there are still not many schools, education is a privilege.在那些尚未许多黉舍的国度,受教育是一种特权。

receive是甚么道理:v. 收到;担当;会见,接待;接受;回应;采纳


receive quarter 获得宽饶,被免一死

to receive review 接纳校阅阅兵

receive the sacrament 领圣餐


The receivable account is then credited when the cash is received.当收到现金时,再贷记应收账户。

The book received a favorable review.这本书博得了好评。

education是甚么乐趣:n. 教导,训练,教导界人士,有教益的经过


social psychology of education 教育社会心理学


An educator must first educate himself.教育者必须自个先受教育。

Rural education reform is a hot spot in education research.村落培育问题是目下当今培育界研究的一个热门。

He was handicapped by lack of education.他因文化水平低而吃了亏。

They're cutting funds for education.他们正在减少教导经费。
